来源:   作者:   点击数:   日期:2022/10/28
职务名称 特聘教授


孔令兵 特聘教授


suncity太阳新城特聘教授、深圳市引进海外高层次人才“孔雀计划”B类人才。1997年西安交通大学获得博士学位。1998年1月到1999年12月在新加坡南洋理工大学电子与电气学院做博士后,2000年1月至2002年3月在南洋理工材料科学与工程学院担研究员(Research Fellow),2002年4月至2012年1月在新加坡国立大学先后担任研究员(Research Scientist)和资深研究员(Senior Research Scientist),2012年2月至2018年6月在南洋理工材料与工程学院担任副教授,2018年6月被聘为suncity太阳新城特聘教授。主持及参与新加坡教育部和国立基金及广东省基础与应用基础重点项目等多项科研项目。研究方向包括功能陶瓷、纳米材料、复合材料,涵盖材料制备、表征与应用。近年来主要工作包括陶瓷粉体的产业化研究与推广,目前已涉足的材料包括5G陶瓷滤波器粉体、陶瓷封装基板、各种用于镀膜的陶瓷靶材、透明陶瓷、高端电子陶瓷等。已发表科研论文300余篇,英文著作6本。授权发明专利13项,实用新型专利1项。进入全球前2%顶尖科学家“年度影响力(2021 World’s Top 2% Scientists)”和“终身影响力”榜单(1960-2021)。


1993.09-1997.07     西安交通大学,电子与信息工程学院,博士

1989.09-1992.07     中国科学技术大学,材料科学与工程系,硕士

1987.09-1989.07     安徽教育学院,化学专业,学士


2018.08-至今       suncity太阳新城,suncitygroup太阳集团,特聘教授

2012.02-2018.07     南洋理工大学,材料与工程学院,副教授

2002.04-2012.01     新加坡国立大学,淡马锡实验室,研究员(Research Scientist)/资深研究员(Senior Research Scientist)

2000.01-2002.03     南洋理工大学,材料与工程学院,研究员(Research Fellow)

1998.01-1999.12     南洋理工大学,电子与电气工程学院,博士后

1992.07-1997.12     西安交通大学,电子与信息工程学院,电子材料研究所,助教/讲师

1984.07-1989.08     安徽省肥西县丰乐中学,教师


• 2019年入选深圳市孔雀计划B类人才


1. 陶瓷粉体制备,包括铁电材料,铁氧体,纳米氧化物等

2. 功能陶瓷,包括铁电/压电,铁氧体,透明陶瓷,电介质陶瓷,各种陶瓷靶材等

3. 复合材料,包括微波吸收,复合材料导电电极等

4. 能量转换及储能材料,包括太阳能,离子电池,超级电容器等


1. 2019suncity太阳新城高端人才研究经费,450万,主持


128. P. J. Liu, S. X. Chen, M. Yao, Z. J. Yao, V. M. H. Ng, J. T. Zhou, Y. M. Lei, Z. H. Yang andL. B. Kong, Delamination strategy to achieve Ti3C2Tx/CNZF composites with tunable electromagnetic absorption,Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process.,105, 105008 (1-10) (2020).

127. Z. H. Xiao, S. J. Yu, Y. M. Li, S. C. Ruan,L. B. Kong, Q. Huang, Z. R. Huang, K. Zhou, H. B. Su, Z. J. Yao, W. X. Que, Y. Liu, T. S. Zhang, J. Wang, P. Liu, D. Y. Shen, M. Allix, J. Zhang and D. Y. Tang, Materials development and potential applications of transparent ceramics: A review,Mater. Sci. Eng. R,139, 100518 (2020).

126. J. Zhou, X. F. Shu, Y. Q. Wang, J. L. Ma, Y. Liu, R. W. Shu,L. B. Kong, Enhanced microwave absorption properties of (1−x)CoFe2O4/xCoFe composites at multiple frequency bands,J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,493, 165699-1-10 (2020).

125. X. Y. Li, Z. H. Xiao, Y. T. He, Y. Q. Wang, J. Z. Luo, J. J. Shi, Q. Huang andL. B. Kong, Crystallization behavior, structure and properties of glasses in SrO–Fe2O3–P2O5system,J. Non-Cryst. Solids,523, 119588-1-9 (2019).

124. X. F. Shu, J. Zhou, Y. Liu, Y. Q, Wang, B. Hu, Y. Jiang,L. B. Kong, T. S. Zhang and H. X. Song, Hollow Fe3O4microspheres/graphene composites with adjustable electromagnetic absorption properties,Diamond & Related Mater.,97, 107441-1-9 (2019).

123. J. Zhou, X. F. Shu, Z. C. Wang, Y. Liu, Y. Q. Wang, C. Zhou andL. B. Kong, Hydrothermal synthesis of polyhedral FeCo alloys with enhanced electromagnetic absorption performances,J. Alloys Compd.,794, 68-75 (2019).

122. H. M. Asif Javed, W. X. Que, X. T. Yin,L. B. Kong, J. Iqbal and M. S. Mustafa,Investigation on the surface modification of TiO2nanohexagon arrays based photoanode with SnO2nanoparticles for highly-efficient dye-sensitized solar cells,Mater. Res. Bull.,109, 21-28 (2019).

121. P. J. Liu, Z. J. Yao, V. M. H. Ng, J. T. Zhou andL. B. Kong, Novel multilayer-like structure of Ti3C2Tx/CNZF composites for low-frequency electromagnetic absorption,Mater. Lett.,248, 214-217 (2019).

120. X. T. Yin, Y. X. Guo, H. X. Xie, W. X. Que andL. B. Kong, Nickel oxide as efficient hole transport materials for perovskite solar cells,Solar RRL,2019, 1900001 (2019).

119. Y. P. Tian, W. X. Que, Y. Y. Luo, C. H. Yang, X. T. Yin andL. B. Kong, Surface nitrogen-modified 2D titanium carbide (MXene) with high energy density for aqueous supercapacitor applications,J. Mater. Chem. A,7[10], 5416-5425 (2019).

118. D. L. Yin, J. Ma, P. Liu, B. Q. Yao, J. Wang, Z. L. Dong,L. B. Kongand D. Y. Tang, Submicron‐grained Yb:Lu2O3transparent ceramics with lasing quality,J. Am. Ceram. Soc.,102, 2587-2592 (2019).

117. J. Wang, D. L. Yin, J. Ma, P. Liu, Y. Wang, Z. L. Dong,L. B. Kongand D. Y. Tang, Pump laser induced photodarkening in ZrO2-doped Yb:Y2O3laser ceramics,J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.,39, 635-640 (2019).

116. Y. K. Tang, L. Liu, Y. Zhang, H. Y. Zhao,L. B. Kongand S. S. Gao, Confined formation of monoclinic Na4Ti5O12nanoparticles embedded into porous CNTs: towards enhanced electrochemical performances for sodium ion batteries,New J. Chem.,42[24], 19340-19343 (2018).

115. Z. H. Du, X. M. Zeng, M. M. Zhu, A. Kanta, L. Qing, J. Z. Li andL. B. Kong, Alkyl ethoxylate assisted liquid phaseexfoliation of BN nanosheet and its application as interphase for oxide/oxide composites,Ceram. Intern.,44, 21461-21469 (2018).

114. D. L. Yin, J. Wang, P. Liu, D. W. Luo,L. B. Kong, Z. L. Dong and D. Y. Tang, Yttria nanopowders with low degree of aggregation by a spray precipitation method,Ceram. Intern.,44[16], 20472-20477 (2018).

113. Z. H. Xiao,L. B. Kong, S. C. Ruan, X. L. Li, S. J. Yu, X. Y. Li, Z. J. Yao, S. Ye, C. H. Wang, T. S. Zhang, K. Zhou and S. Li, Recent development in nanocarbon materials for gas sensor applications,Sens. Actuat. B.,274, 234-267 (2018).

112. P. J. Liu, V. M. H. Ng, Z. J. Yao, J. T. Zhou andL. B. Kong, Facile synthesis of ultrasmall Fe3O4nanoparticles on MXenes for high microwave absorption performance,Composite A,115, 371-382 (2018).

111. S. J. Yu, V. M. H. Ng, F. J. Wang,Z. H. Xiao, C. Y. Li,L. B. Kong, W. X. Que and K. Zhou, Synthesis and application of iron-based nanomaterials as anode of lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors,J. Mater. Chem. A,6[20], 9332-9367 (2018).

110. J. Jin, Y. Zheng, S. Z. Huang, P. P. Sun, N. Srikanth,L. B. Kong, Q. Y. Yan and K. Zhou, Directly anchoring 2D NiCo MOF on few-layer black phosphorene for advanced lithium-ion batteries,J. Mater. Chem. A,6[32], 15710-15717 (2018).

109. Z. H. Xiao, X. Y. Sun, X. Y. Li, M. Wu, C. H. Wang, T. S. Zhang, S. Li andL. B. Kong, Phase formation and microstructure evolution of mullite ceramics from mechanochemical activated oxide powders doped with Cr2O3,J. Phys. Chem. Solids,123, 198-205 (2018).

108. Z. H. Xiao, X. L. Li, X. F. Dong, J. F. Tang, C. H. Wang, T. S. Zhang, S. Li andL. B. Kong, Sintering and electrical properties of commercial PZT powders modified through mechanochemical activation,J. Mater. Sci.,53, 13769-13778 (2018).

107. P. J. Liu, V. M. H. Ng, Z. J. Yao, J. T. Zhou andL. B. Kong, Ultrasmall Fe3O4nanoparticles on MXenes with high microwave absorption performance,Mater. Lett.,229, 286-289 (2018).

106. Z. H. Xiao, X. L. Li, S. J. Yu, X. Y. Sun, X. Y. Li, M. Wu, C. H. Wang, T. S. Zhang, S. Li andL. B. Kong, Effect of Bi2O3on phase formation and microstructure evolution of mullite ceramics from mechanochemically activated oxide mixtures,Ceram. Intern.,44[12], 13841-13847 (2018).

105. Z. H. Xiao, X. Y. Li, Q. K. Xiao, W. Y. Luo, H. F. Zhang, C. H. Wang, T. S. Zhang, S. Li andL. B. Kong, Bismuth lanthanum titanate ceramics from amorphous precursors activated by using mechanochemical treatment,Ceram. Intern.,44[11], 13106-13112 (2018).

104. Z. H. Xiao, X. Y. Sun, X. Y. Li, Y. Q. Wang, Z. Q. Wang, B. W. Zhang, X. L. Li, Z. X. Shen,L. B. Kongand Y. Z. Huang, Phase transformation of GeO2glass to nanocrystals under ambient condition,Nano Lett.,18[5], 3290-3296 (2018).

103. Z. H. Xiao, H. F. Zhang, C. H. Wang, L. Liu, Z. H. Yang, T. S. Zhang andL. B. Kong, Low temperature sintered magneto-dielectric ferrite ceramics with near net-shape derived from high-energy milled powders,J. Alloys Compd.,751, 28-33 (2018).

102. S. S. Gao, Y. K. Tang, L. Wang, L. Liu, Z. P. Sun, S. Wang, H. Y. Zhao,L. B. Kongand D. Z. Jia, Coal-based hierarchical porous carbon synthesized with a soluble salt self-assembly-Assisted method for high performance supercapacitors and Li-ion batteries,ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng.,6[3], 3255-3263 (2018).

101. M. Boyer, X. Y. Yang, A. J. F. Carrion, Q. C. Wang, E. Veron, C. Genevois, L. Hennet, G. Matzen, E. Suard, D. Thiaudiere, C. Castro, D. Pelloquin,L. B. Kong, X. J. Kuang and M. Allix, First transparent oxide ion conducting ceramics synthesized by full crystallization from glass,J. Mater. Chem. A,6[13], 5276-5289 (2018).

100. Y. K. Tang, L. Liu, H. Y. Zhao,L. B. Kong, Z. P. Guo, S. S. Gao, Y. Y. Che, L. Wang and D. Z. Jia, Rational design of hybrid porous nanotubes with robust structure of ultrafine Li4Ti5O12nanoparticles embedded in bamboo-like CNTs for superior lithium ion storage,J. Mater. Chem. A,6[8], 3342-3349 (2018).

99. J. Wang, Y. G. Zhao, D. L. Yin, P. Liu, J. Ma, Y. Wang, D. Y. Shen, Z. L. Dong,L. B. Kong, D. Y. Tang, Holmium doped yttria transparent ceramics for 2-μm solid state lasers,J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.,38[4], 1986-1989 (2018).

98. Z. H. Xiao, C. H. Wang, L. Liu, Z. H. Yang andL. B. Kong, Optimization of Ni0.95-xZnxCo0.05Fe1.90Mn0.02O4ceramics with promising magneto-dielectric properties for VHF antenna miniaturization,J. Adv. Dielectrics,8[1], 1850001-1-6, (2018).

97. P. J. Liu, Z. J. Yao, V. M. H. Ng, J. T. Zhou, Z. H. Yang andL. B. Kong, Enhanced microwave absorption properties of double-layer absorbers based on spherical NiO and Co0.2Ni0.4Zn0.4Fe2O4ferrite composites,Acta Metall. Sinica (Eng. Lett.),31[2], 171-179 (2018).

96. Z. H. Xiao, C. H. Wang, L. Liu, Z. H. Yang andL. B. Kong, Rapid processing of ferrite ceramics with promising magneto-dielectric characteristics,J. Adv. Dielectrics,7[6], 1750040-1-6, (2017).

95. Y. P. Tian, C. H. Yang, W. X. Que, Y. C. He, X. B. Liu, Y. Y. Luo, X. T. Yin andL. B. Kong, Ni foam supported quasi-core-shell structure of ultrathin Ti3C2nanosheets through electrostatic layer-by-layer self-assembly as high rate-performance electrodes of supercapacitors,J. Power Sources,369, 78-86 (2017).

94. Z. H. Xiao, X. F. Dong, X. Y. Li, W. Y. Luo, H. Y. Liang andL. B. Kong,Low temperature sintered cordierite ceramics from MgO-Al2O3-SiO2glass powder,Biointerface Res. Appl. Chem.,7[6], 2304-2307 (2017).

93. J. Jin, X. C. Tian, N. Srikanth,L. B. Kongand K. Zhou, Advances and challenges of nanostructured electrodes for Li-Se batteries,J. Mater. Chem. A,5[21], 10110-10126 (2017).

92. W. Z. Zhai, N. Srikanth,L. B. Kongand K. Zhou, Carbon nanomaterials in tribology,Carbon,119, 150-171 (2017).

91. V. M. H. Ng, H. Huang, K. Zhou, P. S. Lee, W. X. Que, J. Z. C. Xu andL. B. Kong, Recent progress in layered transition metal carbides and/or nitrides (MXenes) and their composites: Synthesis and applications,J. Mater. Chem. A,5, 3039-3068 (2017).

90. Z. H. Xiao, X. Y. Li, X. Y. Sun, W. Y. Luo, M. H. Luo andL. B. Kong,Fabrication and characterization of lightweight foam ceramics from rare earth tailings,Biointerface Res. Appl. Chem.,7[6], 2300-2303 (2017).

89. X. B. Liu, Z. Y. Wang, P. Chen, H. F. Zhou,L. B. Kong, C. M. Niu and W. X. Que, New insights into the electronic structure and photoelectrochemical properties of nitrogen-doped HNb3O8via a combined in situ experimental and DFT investigation,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,9, 42751-42760 (2017).

88. V. M. H. Ng, S. Y. Wu, P. J. Liu, B. B. Zhu, L. H. Yu, C. H. Wang, H. Huang, Z. C. J. Xu, Z. J. Yao, J. T. Zhou, W. X. Que andL. B. Kong, Hierarchical SnO2-graphite nanocomposite anode for lithium-ion batteries through high energy mechanical activation,Electrochimica Acta,248, 440-448 (2017).

87. J. Wang, J. Ma, J. Zhang, P. Liu, D. W. Luo, D. L. Yin, D. Y. Tang andL. B. Kong, Yb:Y2O3transparent ceramics processed with hot isostatic pressing,Opt. Mater.,71, 117-120 (2017).

86. Y. P. Tian, C. H. Yang, W. X. Que, X. B. Liu, X. T. Yin andL. B. Kong, Flexible and free-standing 2D titanium carbide film decorated with manganese oxide nanoparticles as a high volumetric capacity electrode for supercapacitor,J. Power Sources,359, 332-339 (2017).

85. X. B. Liu, W. X. Que, P. Chen, Y. P. Tian, J. Liu, Z. L. He, H. F. Zhou andL. B. Kong, Facile preparation of protonated hexaniobate nanosheets and its enhanced photocatalytic activity,Nanotechn.,28, 235702-1-12 (2017).

84. P. J. Liu, V. M. H. Ng, Z. J. Yao, J. T. Zhou, Y. M. Lei, Z. H. Yang, H. L. Lv andL. B. Kong, Facile synthesis and hierarchical assembly of flower-like NiO structures with enhanced dielectric and microwave absorption properties,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,9[19], 16404-16416 (2017).

83. P. J. Liu, V. M. H. Ng, Z. J. Yao, J. T. Zhou, Y. M. Lei, Z. H. Yang andL. B. Kong, Microwave absorption properties of double-layer absorbers based on Co0.2Ni0.4Zn0.4Fe2O4ferrite and reduced graphene oxide composites,J. Alloy. Compd.,701, 841-849 (2017).

82. M. D. Que, W. X. Que, T. Zhou, J. Y. Shao andL. B. Kong, Enhanced photoluminescence property of sulfate ions modified YAG:Ce3+phosphor by co-precipitation method,J. Rare Earths,35[3], 217-222 (2017).

81. K. J. Ning, J. Wang, D. W. Luo, Z. L. Dong,L. B. Kongand D. Y. Tang, Low-level sintering aids for highly transparent Yb:Y2O3ceramics,J. Alloys Compd.,695, 1414-1419 (2017).

80. Y. K. Tang, L. Liu, H. Y. Zhao, S. S. Gao, Y. Lv,L. B. Kong, J. H. Ma and D. Z. Jia, Hybrid porous bamboo-like CNTs embedding ultrasmall LiCrTiO4nanoparticles as high rate and long life anode materials for lithium ion batteries,Chem. Comm.,53, 1033-1036 (2017).

79. H. C. Gao, X. H. Hao, Q. W. Zhang, S. L. An andL. B. Kong,Thickness-dependent electrocaloric effect of Pb0.82Ba0.08La0.10(Zr0.90Ti0.10)O3antiferroelectric thick films,J. Alloy Compd.,690, 131-138 (2017).

78. M. D. Que, W. X. Que, T. Zhou, J. Y. Shao andL. B. Kong, Photoluminescence and energy transfer of YAG: Ce3+, Gd3+, Bi3+,J. Adv. Dielectrics,6[4], 1650029-1-6 (2016).

77. P. J. Liu, Z. J. Yao, Z. T. Zhou, Z. H. Yang andL. B. Kong, Small magnetic Co-doped NiZn ferrite/graphene nanocomposites and their dual-region microwave absorption performance,J. Mater. Chem. C,4, 9738-9749 (2016).

76. S. F. Wang, M. S. Liu,L. B. Kong, Y. Long, X. C. Jiang and A. B. Yu, Recent progress in VO2smart coatings: Strategies to improve the thermochromic properties,Prog. Mater. Sci.,81, 1-54 (2016).

75. H. C. Gao, X. H. Hao, Q. W. Zhang, S. L. An andL. B. Kong, Electrocaloric effect and energy-storage performance in grain-size-engineered PBLZT antiferroelectric thick films,J. Mater. Sci. Elctron. Mater., 27, 10309-10319 (2016).

74. J. Wang, J. Zhang, K. J. Ning, J. Ma, D. W. Luo, D. L. Yin, H. Yang, D. Y. Tang,L. B. Kong, Densification of zirconia doped yttria transparent ceramics using co-precipitated powders,Ceram. Intern.,42, 10770-10778 (2016).

73. H. C. Gao, N. N. Sun, Y. Li, Q. W. Zhang, X. H. Hao,L. B. Kongand Q. Wang, Enhanced electrocaloric effect and energy-storage performance in PBLZT films with various Ba2+content,Ceram. Intern.,42, 16439-16447 (2016).

72. X. B. Liu, W. X. Que, Z. L. He, Y. L. Xing, Y. C. He, X. T. Yin,L. B. Kong, New AgNbO4‒δcompound with high visible light photocatalytic activity,Mater. Lett.,183, 97-100 (2016).

71. H. M. A. Javed, W. X. Que, Y. L. Gao, Y. L. Xing, J. Y. Shao andL. B. Kong, ZnO/TiO2nanohexagon arrays heterojunction photoanode for enhancing power conversion efficiency in dye-sensitized solar cells,J. Alloy Compd.,685, 610-618 (2016).

70. H. F. Zhang, T. Y. Sun, Y. Wang,L. B. Kong, K. W. Kwok, T. Karaki, K. H. Lam, C. L. Mak and F. Hou, Relationship between interface characteristics and impedance spectroscopy of fine-grained ferroelectric based glass-ceramic composites prepared with a modified hybrid process,J. Alloy Compd.,682, 196-202 (2016).

69. Y. L. Xing, W. X. Que, X. T. Yin, Z. L. He, X. B. Liu, Y. W. Yang, J. Y. Shao andL. B. Kong, In2O3/Bi2Sn2O7heterostructured nanoparticles with enhanced photocatalytic activity,Appl. Surf. Sci.,387, 36-44 (2016).

68. H. M. A. Javed, W. X. Que, Y. L. Gao, Y. L. Xing andL. B. Kong, Effects of ZnS layer on the performance improvement of the photosensitive ZnO nanowire arrays solar cells,Mater. Chem. Phys.,178, 139-148 (2016).

67. J. W. Fang, H. Q. Fan, Z. Y. Zhu andL. B. Kong, Dyed graphitic carbon nitride with greatly extended visible-light-responsive range for hydrogen evolution,J. Catal.,339, 93-101 (2016).

66. J. Wang, J. Zhang, K. J. Ning, D. W. Luo, J. Ma, D. L. Yin, D. Y. Tang andL. B. Kong, Rapid rate sintering of yttria transparent ceramics,J. Am. Ceram. Soc.,99[6], 1935-1942 (2016).

65. J. Wang, J. Zhang, K. J. Ning, H. Yang, D. L. Yin, D. Y. Tang andL. B. Kong, Densification of yttria transparent ceramics: The utilization of activated sintering,J. Am. Ceram. Soc.,99[5], 1671-1675 (2016).

64. Y. C. Yang, L. Liu, Y. K. Tang, Y. Zhang, D. Z. Jia andL. B. Kong, Bamboo-like carbon nanotubes containing sulfur for high performance supercapacitors,Electrochim. Acta,191, 846-853 (2016).

63. S. H. Liu, S. M. Xiu, B. Shen, J. W. Zhai andL. B. Kong, Dielectric properties and energy storage densities of poly(vinylidenefluoride) nanocomposite with surface hydroxylated cube shaped Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3nanoparticles,Polym.,8[2], 45-1-11 (2016).

62. K. J. Ning, J. Wang, D. W. Luo, J. Zhang, Z. L. Dong,L. B. Kongand D. Y. Tang, New double-sintering aid for fabrication of highly transparent ytterbium-doped yttria ceramics,J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.,36[1], 253-256 (2016).

61. R. L. Zheng, D. W. Luo, Y. Yuan, Z. Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, W. Wei,L. B. Kongand D. Y. Tang, Dy3+/Ce3+co-doped YAG transparent ceramics for single-composition tunable white-light phosphor,J. Am. Ceram. Soc.,98[10], 3231-3235 (2015).

60. K. J. Ning, J. Wang, D. W. Luo, J. Ma, J. Zhang,L. B. Kong, Z. L. Dong and D. Y. Tang, Fabrication and characterization of highly transparent Yb3+:Y2O3ceramics,Opt. Mater.,50, 21-24 (2015).

59. Z. Q. Hou, W. X. Que, J. B. Ren, Y. L. Xing, H. M. Asif Javed, T. Zhou andL. B. Kong, Fabrication and stability of opened-end TiO2nanotube arrays based dye-sensitized solar cells,Ceram. Intern.,41, S719-S724 (2015).

58. H. M. A. Javed, W. X. Que, X. T. Yin, Y. L. Xing, X. B. Liu, A. Asghar, J. Y. Shao andL. B. Kong, Ordered crystalline TiO2nanohexagon arrays for improving conversion efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells,J. Alloy. Compd.,646, 106-111 (2015).

57. X. B. Liu, W. X. Que andL. B. Kong, Hydrothermal synthesis of bamboo-shaped nanosheet KNb3O8with enhanced photocatalytic activity,J. Alloy. Compd.,627, 117-122 (2015).

56. L. J. Tang, W. Wang, B. Shen, J. W. Zhai andL. B. Kong, Crystallization and properties of strontium barium niobate-based glass-ceramics for energy-storage applications,J. Electron. Mater.,44[1], 227-234 (2015).

55. J. Wang, J. Zhang, D. W. Luo, H. Yang, D. Y. Tang andL. B. Kong, Densification and microstructural evolution of yttria transparent ceramics: The effect of ball milling conditions,J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.,35[3], 1011-1019 (2015).

54. P. Zhong, W. X. Que, J. Zhang, Y. Yuan, Y. L. Liao, X. T. Yin,L. B. Kongand X. Hu, Enhancing the performance of poly(3-hexylthiophene)/ZnO nanorod arrays based hybrid solar cells through incorporation of a third component,Sci. Chin. Phys. Mechan. Astron.,57[7], 1289-1298 (2014).

53. Y. Wang, T. Li,L. B. Kong, H. H. Hng and P. S. Lee, Gas flow induced by ultrasonic cavitation bubble clouds and surface capillary wave,IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control.,61[6], 1042-1046 (2014).

52. X. H. Hao, J. W. Zhai,L. B. Kongand Z. K. Xu, A comprehensive review on the progress of lead zirconate-based antiferroelectric materials,Prog. Mater. Sci.,63, 1-57 (2014).

51. H. F. Zhang,L. B. Kong, C. L. Mak, K. W. Kwok, Y. Wang and H. L. W. Chan, Highly enhanced sinterability of fine-grained Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3-MgO bulk ceramics and in-situ nanocomposite thick films,Ceram. Intern.,40, 10475-10481 (2014).

50. Q. W. Zhang, J. W. Zhai, H. Q. Li, Z. X. Yue andL. B. Kong, Suppressed ferroelectric relaxor behavior of Mn-modified Ba(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3relaxor ceramics,Phys. Status Solidi A,211[4], 788-794 (2014).

49. W. L. Yan,A. DasariandL. B. Kong, Chinese ink-facilitated fabrication of carbon nanotube/polyvinyl alcohol composite sheets with a high nanotube loading,Comp. Part A,61, 209-215 (2014).

48. T. S. Zhang,L. B. Kong, X. C. Song, Z. H. Du, W. Q. Xu and S. Li, Densification behaviour and sintering mechanisms of Cu- or Co-doped SnO2: A comparative study,Acta Mater.,62, 81-88 (2014).

47. X. H. Huang, G. H. Li,L. B. Kong, Y. Z. Huang and T. Wu, Anisotropic surface strain in single crystalline cobalt nanowires and its impact on the diameter-dependent Young’s modulus,Nanoscale,5, 11643-11648 (2013).

46. P. Zhong, W. X. Que, Y. N. Liang, X. T. Yin, Y. L. Liao,L. B. Kongand X. Hu, Origin of the boosted exciton separation at fullerene molecule modified poly(3-hexylthiophene)/ZnO interfaces,RSC Adv.,3, 17904-17913 (2013).

45. D. W. Luo, J. Zhang, C. W. Xu, H. Lin, H. Yang, H. Y. Zhu, G. D. Shao, D. Y. Tang andL. B. Kong, Mode-locked Yb:LuAG ceramics laser,Phys. Status Solidi (C),10[6], 967-968 (2013).

44. Q. W. Peng, J. Gan, S. F. Wang,L. B. Kong, G. R. Chen, Y. X. Yang and G. J. Huang, Controlled synthesis of amine-cappedγ-Fe2O3nanoparticles by a one-step process,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.,52, 7713-7717 (2013).

43.L. B. Kong, Z. W. Li, L. Liu, R. Huang, M. Abshinova, Z. H. Yang, C. B. Tang, P. K. Tan, C. R. Deng and S. Matitsine, Recent progress in some materials and structures for specific electromagnetic applications,Intern. Mater. Rev.,58[4], 203-259 (2013).

42. S. F. Wang, J. Zhang, D. W. Luo, F. Gu, D. Y. Tang, Z. L. Dong, G. E. B. Tan, W. X. Que, T. S. Zhang, S. Li andL. B. Kong, Transparent ceramics: processing, materials and applications,Prog. Solid State Chem.,41[1-2], 20-54 (2013).

41.L. J. Tang, J. W. Wang, J. W. Zhai,L. B. Kongand X. Yao, Controllable-permittivity and high-tunability of Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3/MgO based ceramics by composite configuration,Appl. Phys. Lett.,102, 142907 (2013).

40. R. B. Wu, K. Zhou, Z. H. Yang, X. K. Qian, J. Wei, L. Liu, Y. Z. Huang,L. B. Kongand L. Y. Wang, Molten-salt-mediated synthesis of SiC nanowires for microwave wave absorption applications,CrystEngComm,15, 570-576 (2013).

39. Z. H. Yang, Z. W. Li, Y. H. Yang, L. Liu andL. B. Kong, Dielectric and magnetic properties of NiCuZn ferrite coated Sendust flakes through a sol-gel approach,J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,331, 232-236 (2013).

38.Z. W. Li, Z. H. Yang,L. B. Kong, and Y. J. Zhang, High-frequency magnetic properties at K and Ka bands for barium-ferrite/silicone composites,J. Magn. Magn. Mater.325[1], 82-86 (2013).

37. Z. W. Li, Z. H. Yang andL. B. Kong, Effect of Ti substitution on spin reorientation for Ba3Co2Fe24-xTixO41hexaferrites,J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,324[18], 2795-2799 (2012).

36. L. Liu, Z. H. Yang,L. B. Kongand P. Li, Nanocrystalline ferromagnetic microwires silicone flexible composite with optical transparency,IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat.,54[1], 88-92 (2012).

35. Q. W. Zhang, J. W. Zhai andL. B. Kong, Relaxor ferroelectric materials for microwave tunable applications,J. Adv. Dielectrics,2, 1230002-1-15 (2012).

34. L. Liu,L. B. Kong, W. Y. Yin and S. Matitsine, Characterization of single- and multi-walled carbon nanotube composites for electromagnetic shielding and tunable applications,IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat.,53[4], 943-946 (2011).

33. Z. W. Li, Z. H. Yang andL. B. Kong, Enhanced microwave magnetic and attenuation properties for barium ferrite flaky-filler composites,IEEE Trans. Magn.,47[10], 3712-3715 (2011).

32. B. Y. Zong, Z. W. Pong, Y. P. Wu, P. Ho, J. J. Qiu,L. B. Kong, L. Wang and G. C. Han, Electrodeposition of granular FeCoNi films with large permeability for microwave applications,J. Mater. Chem.,21[40], 16042-16048 (2011).

31. Z. W. Li, Z. H. Yang andL. B. Kong, Enhanced microwave magnetic and attenuation properties for Z-type barium ferrite composites with flaky fillers,J. Appl. Phys.,110[6], 063907-1-7 (2011).

30. Z. H. Yang, Z. W. Li, L. Liu andL. B. Kong, Microstructure and magnetic properties of Co-Cu nanowire arrays fabricated by galvanic displacement deposition,J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,323[21], 2674-2677 (2011).

29. Z. W. Li, Z. H. Yang andL. B. Kong, Resonance-like dispersion for W-type barium ferrite composites with c-axis anisotropy,J. Appl. Phys.,109[3], 033916-1-7 (2011).

28. Z. H. Yang, Z. W. Li, L. Liu andL. B. Kong, NiCuZn ferrite flakes prepared using a sol-gel bubble method and its magnetic properties,J. Alloys Compd.,509[6], 3038-3041 (2011).

27. Z. W. Li, Z. H. Yang, R. F. Huang andL. B. Kong, Greatly enhanced permeability and expanded bandwidth for spinel ferrite composites with flaky fillers,IEEE Trans. Microw. Theo. Techn.,58[11], 2794-2799 (2010).

26. Q. Zhang, J. W. Zhai,L. B. Kongand X. Yao, Percolative properties in ferroelectric-dielectric composite ceramics,Appl. Phys. Lett.,97[18], 182903-1-3 (2010).

25.L. B. Kong, S. Li, T. S. Zhang, J. W. Zhai, F. Y. C. Boey and J. Ma, Electrically tunable dielectric materials and strategies to improve their performances,Prog. Mater. Sci.,55[8], 840-893 (2010).

24. Z. W. Li, Z. H. YangandL. B. Kong, Ultrabroad bandwidth and matching characteristics for spinel ferrite composites with flaky fillers,J. Appl. Phys.,108[6], 063927-1-6 (2010).

23. T. S. Zhang,L. B. Kong, Z. H. Du, J. Ma and S. Li, In-situ interlocking structure in gel-derived mullite matrix induced by mechanoactivated commercial mullite powders,Scripta Mater.,63[11], 1132-1135 (2010).

22. T. S. Zhang,L. B. Kong, Z. H. Du, J. Ma and S. Li,Tailoring the microstructure of mechanoactivated Al2O3and SiO2mixtures with TiO2addition,J. Alloys Compd.,506[2], 777-783 (2010).

21. Y. P. Wu, G. C. Han andL. B. Kong, Microstructure and microwave permeability of FeCo thin films with Co underlayer,J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,322[21], 3223-3226 (2010).

20. Z. H. Yang, Z. W. Li andL. B. Kong, One-step synthesis of Ni0.23Cu0.11Zn0.66Fe2O4ferrite nanowire arrays using a template method,J. Alloys Compd.,501[1], 173-176 (2010).

19. Z. W. Li, Z. H. YangandL. B. Kong, Ultra-broad bandwidth of single-layer electromagnetic attenuation composites with flaky fillers,Appl. Phys. Lett.,96[9], 092507-1-3 (2010).

18. Z. H. Yang, Z. W. Li andL. B. Kong, Structural and magnetic properties of free-standing Ni0.23Cu0.11Zn0.66Fe2O4thick films prepared using a modified tape-casting method,J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,322[5], 557-561 (2010).

17. Z. W. Li, R. F. Huang andL. B. Kong, Permeability and resonance characteristics of metamaterial constructed by a wire coil wound on a ferrite core,J. Appl. Phys.,106[10], 103929-1-6 (2009).

16. Z. W. Li, R. F. Huang andL. B. Kong, Greatly enhanced azimuthal permeability of a ferrite core with a wire coil metamaterial,Appl. Phys. Lett.,94[16], 162502-1-3 (2009).

15. R. F. Huang,L. B. Kongand S. Matitsine, Bandwidth limit of ultrathin metamaterial absorbers,J. Appl. Phys.,106[7], 074908-1-5 (2009).

14. Z. W. Li,L. B. Kongand Z. H. Yang, Study of matching characteristics for Ni0.97-xZnxCo0.03Fe2O4spinel ferrites,J. Appl. Phys.,105[11], 113912-1-8 (2009).

13. Z. W. Li, G. Q. Lin, Y. P. Wu andL. B. Kong, Doping effect on microwave reflection characteristics for W-type ferrite/epoxy composites,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.,42[9], 095007-1-6 (2009).

12. T. S. Zhang, Z. H. Du, S. Li,L. B. Kong, X. C. Song, J. Lu and J. Ma, Transitional metal-doped 8 mol% yttria-stabilized zirconia electrolytes,Solid State Ionics,180[23-25], 1311-1317 (2009).

11. X. T. Liew, K. C. Chan andL. B. Kong, Magneto-dielectric Ni-ferrite ceramics with Bi2O3additive for potential antenna miniaturizations,J. Mater. Res.,24[2], 324-332 (2009).

10.L. B. Kong, T. S. Zhang, J. Ma and Y. C. F. Boey, Mullitization behavior and microstructural development of B2O3-Al2O3-SiO2mixtures activated by high-energy ball milling,Solid State Sci.,11[8], 1333-1342 (2009).

9. R. F. Huang, Z. W. Li,L. B. Kong, L. Liu and S. Matitsine, Analysis and design of an ultra-thin metamaterial absorber,Prog. Electromag. Res. B,14, 407-429 (2009).

8. Z. W. Li, G. Q. Lin, Y. P. Wu andL. B. Kong, High-frequency magnetic properties and attenuation characteristics for barium ferrite composites,J. Magn. Magn. Mater.,321[7], 734-737 (2009).

7. Z. W. Li, G. Q. Lin, Y. P. Wu andL. B. Kong, High-frequency properties and attenuation characteristics of WBa hexaferrite composites with doping of various oxides,IEEE Trans. Magn.,45[2], 670-677 (2009).

6. T. S. Zhang, S. H. Chan, W. Wang, K. Hbaieb,L. B. Kongand J. Ma, Effect of Mn addition on the densification, grain growth and ionic conductivity of pure and SiO2-containing 8YSZ electrolytes,Solid State Ionics,180[1], 82-89 (2009).

5. T. S. Zhang, S. H. Chan,L. B. Kong, P. T. Sheng and J. Ma, Synergetic effect of NiO and SiO2on the sintering and properties of 8YSZ electrolytes,Electrochimica Acta,54[3], 927-934 (2009).

4. L. Liu,L. B. Kongand S. Matitsine, Tunable effective permittivity of carbon nanotube composites,Appl. Phys. Lett.,93[11], 113106-1-3 (2008).

3. K. C. Chan, X. T. Liew,L. B. Kong, Z. W. Li and G. Q. Lin, Ni1-xCoxFe1.98O4ferrite ceramics with promising magneto-dielectric properties,J. Am. Ceram. Soc.,91[12], 3937-3942 (2008).

2. L. Liu,L. B. Kong, G. Q. Lin, S. Matitsine and C. R. Deng, Microwave permeability of ferromagnetic microwires composites/metamaterials and potential applications,IEEE Trans. Magn.,44[11], 3119-3122 (2008).

1. L. B. Kong, T. S. Zhang, J. Ma and Y. C. F. Boey, Progress in synthesis of ferroelectric ceramic materials via high-energy mechanochemical techniques,Prog. Mater. Sci.,53[2], 207-322 (2008).

